Fast Facts for Board Review

Practice Question Answers: Facial Anatomy

This fact sheet served to review the muscles of facial expression, their innervations, and blood supply.


1. Which of the following muscles is not directly involved in smiling?
a. orbicularis oris
b. risorius
c. zygomaticus major
d. zygomaticus minor

2. Which represents the most robust connection between the internal carotid and external carotid arteries?
a. angular→dorsal nasal
b. infraorbitalangular
c. superior labiallateral nasal
d. superficial temporalinfraorbital

3. Which muscle is not used during deep inspiration to flare the nares?
a. depressor septi nasi
b. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
c. nasalis
d. procerus

4. Which muscle receives its innervations from its superficial surface?
a. buccinator
b. depressor anguli oris
c. frontalis
d. mentalis

5. Blood supply to the chin is primarily from what branch of the external carotid artery?
a. inferior labial
b. maxillary
c. ophthalmic
d. superficial temporal

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